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1. Cautions when requesting a translation service

The workflow should be prepared before and after the Translation because colleagues and/or superiors will always want to review the final product. Have the electronic or printed document to be translated at hand. Enter the source and target languages.

2. Set a deadline by which you want the work returned to you

When setting the deadline, keep in mind that accidents happen, and that the deadline should include, at least, the analysis of the work, the preparation of a glossary that reflects the culture of the institution, the Translation, its assignment, review, and final revision. Complying with this process, the pace of the work is usually around 2500 words a day. List key job-related specifications and/or expectations.

3. Prepare references for the translator to use

Glossaries, approved past jobs, company documents/the subject in scope, relevant websites, and more. Always communicate in writing, via e-mail or social media, so that there is no question about responsibilities, and always request confirmation that communications have been received.

4. Do not send documents; contact us so that we can understand your needs and expectations.

In this case, fill in the form so that we can contact you and discuss how you can send the documents. Larger files can be uploaded via free apps such as WeTransfer. We usually respond within a few hours.

Talk to us and discover our services


+55 (11) 9.7614.1585


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Rua 28 de Outubro, 22/4 - São Bernardo do Campo, SP
Brasil - CEP 09721-250